Moving home can be a challenging task that requires lots of careful planning. In Bangladesh, the process of home shifting can be especially tough given the different cultural and logistical demands. To ensure a smooth home-shifting process, it is important to pay special attention to the details and plan. To help you out, here are some tips from for efficient home shifting in Bangladesh.

  1. Plan everything & make a checklist

It is essential to create a comprehensive and detailed plan before home shifting in Bangladesh. To help you out, prepare a checklist of all the tasks that you will need to complete. Your checklist should include items such as deciding on the date of the move, hiring movers, packing up your belongings, finding storage space for items that won’t fit into the new house, transferring utilities, and canceling any services that you won’t need in the new location. Once you have a clear plan and a checklist in place, you can begin the home-shifting process with confidence.

  1. Hire a reliable mover

Hiring a reliable mover like is essential for successful home shifting in Bangladesh. Make sure to research the moving company thoroughly and read customer reviews before hiring them. Professional movers know how to handle bulky furniture and fragile items, so they will help to ensure that your belongings remain undamaged throughout the journey. Make sure to ask the movers for an inventory of their services and a detailed breakdown of the costs involved, so you’ll understand any additional costs that may come up.

Best home shifting service in Dhaka


  1. Make arrangements for parking

If you’re moving to a city in Bangladesh, make sure to arrange for parking close to your new address. Parking in cities such as Dhaka can be scarce, so you will need to obtain the necessary parking permissions from the local municipality. This will allow the movers to unload your belongings in a safe and convenient spot, without having to park far away from your new home.

  1. Donate and discard unwanted items

Undergoing a home-shifting process provides you with the perfect opportunity to give away things that you have outgrown or do not use anymore. This will save you time and money, as it will reduce the amount of items that you need to transport and store. Consider donating items in good condition to charities or thrift shops, or discarding items that are beyond repair.

  1. Point of contact

Make sure to establish a point of contact between yourself, the moving company, and the landlord or fellow tenants in the new location. This will help to ensure that everyone is aware of the progress of the move and security issues. Additionally, it will provide the necessary information if there are any hiccups or changes during the move. 

  1. Inform the current house owner

Before home shifting in Bangladesh, you must make sure to inform the current house owner. Let the owner know the date of the move and that you will no longer be on their property. Provide contact information for yourself and the new address, so that they have the necessary information should any problems arise. In addition, consider setting a date for the return of your security deposit, if applicable. By being communicative and organized, you can make sure that you’re leaving the current house clean and tidy, and ready for its new tenants.

  1. Defrost and clean your fridge

Before home shifting in Bangladesh, take a few moments to defrost and clean your fridge. This is essential as there will be a distance between the current and new locations, and you don’t want to arrive with spoiled food waiting for you. Make sure to follow proper steps for defrosting and cleaning, so that your fridge will be ready to use in the new house.

  1. Pack essential items separately

When home shifting in Bangladesh, pack items such as important documents, valuable items, and essential everyday items in separate boxes. This will make it easier to find the essentials you need right away when you arrive at your new home. Moreover, it is important to label these boxes, so you will know which one contains what items and you won’t have to sift through a pile of boxes.

  1. Share your new address wherever necessary

Make sure to share your new address with any relevant parties that need to know. This includes family members, friends, employers, banks, government departments, utility companies and more. This will ensure that all bills, documents, and correspondence will be sent to the right address. Therefore, you must update any subscription services with your new address so that you can continue to receive your favorite magazines and other services.

  1. Inform the Internet service provider

One of the final steps of home shifting in Bangladesh is to contact the internet service provider. Notify the provider of the address change and discuss the possibility of transferring your broadband connection to the new location. If the new location does not have an existing connection, or the provider cannot transfer the connection, check to see if they offer any relocation discounts. After informing the service provider, you’re all set to begin your life in your new home.


Moving home can be daunting, but with careful planning, it can be a smooth and efficient process. Following these tips for home shifting in Bangladesh will help to ensure that your move is organized and stress-free. With the right planning and organization, you and your family can begin your new life in your new home in no time. 

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