Cleaning your fridge regularly is an important task that should not be overlooked. Not only does it help keep your food fresh and safe to eat, but it also prevents any unpleasant odors from developing. However, sometimes a simple wipe-down may not be enough. To truly maintain a clean and well-organized fridge, a deep clean is necessary. From here are 10 steps to deep clean your fridge and ensure spotless and hygienic storage space for your food.

  1. Throw out old or expired food

The first step to deep cleaning your fridge is to get rid of any old or expired food. Check the expiration dates on all your food items and throw away anything that has passed its date. Also, discard any food that has gone bad or moldy. This will not only create more space in your fridge but also eliminate any potential health hazards.

  1. Take all other food items and containers out of the fridge 

Then, remove all the remaining food items and containers from your fridge and place them on the counter. This will give you a clear view of the inside of your fridge and make it easier to clean. It also prevents any spills or drippings from getting onto other food items.

  1. Remove shelves and drawers

Take out all the removable shelves and drawers from your fridge. This will make it easier to clean them individually and reach all the corners and crevices of your fridge.

  1. Wash shelves and drawers with warm soapy water

Using warm soapy water, clean the shelves and drawers thoroughly. Make sure to scrub off any food residue or stains. If there are any stubborn stains, you can use a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub them off.

  1. Wipe down the interior of the fridge

With all the shelves and drawers removed, you can now easily wipe down the interior of the fridge. Use a mild cleaner or a mixture of white vinegar and water to clean the walls, door, and ceiling of the fridge. Don’t forget to clean the rubber seals around the door as well.

 Using warm soapy water, scrub the shelves and drawers thoroughly to remove any food residue or stains. For tough stains, mix baking soda and water to create a scrubbing paste. Rinse them off with clean water and dry them before placing them back into the fridge.

  1. Clean the door shelves and compartments

While the shelves and drawers are out of the fridge, take the time to clean the door shelves and compartments as well. These can often become neglected but can harbor a lot of spills and food residue.

  1. Defrost and clean the freezer

If your fridge has a freezer compartment, defrost it and clean it thoroughly as well. Follow the same steps as cleaning the fridge, removing all old or expired food items, taking out shelves and drawers, and wiping down the interior with warm soapy water.

  1. Clean the exterior of the fridge

Don’t forget to clean the exterior of your fridge as well. Wipe down the doors, handles, and sides of the fridge with a mild cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water. This will not only give your fridge a polished look but will also help eliminate any fingerprints or stains that may have accumulated on the surface. 

In addition, a clean exterior can prevent the growth of bacteria and maintain the overall cleanliness of your kitchen. So take a few extra minutes to clean the outside of your fridge and enjoy a sparkling appliance.

  1. Dry and replace shelves and drawers

Once all the shelves and drawers are completely dry, you can place them back into the fridge. It’s important to make sure they are completely dry to prevent any mold or mildew from forming. 

Once they are back in place, your fridge will be ready for restocking with food items. The dry and clean shelves and drawers will not only help maintain the overall cleanliness of the fridge but also make it easier to organize your food items.

  1. Sort and organize food items

Lastly, take the time to sort and organize your food items back into the fridge. Group similar items together and place them in designated areas. This not only helps with easy access to your food but also maintains the cleanliness and organization of your fridge. 

Then, when you know where everything is, you can minimize the time the fridge door is open, helping to save energy. Keeping your fridge organized also prevents food from getting lost or forgotten, reducing the possibility of food waste. With your fridge now deep cleaned and organized, you can enjoy a fresh and pristine storage space for your food.

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A deep clean of your fridge is essential to maintain its cleanliness and avoid any food safety issues. By following these 10 steps, you can ensure a spotless and organized fridge, providing a safe and comfortable storage space for your food. So the next time your fridge needs a thorough cleaning, don’t shy away from following these steps for a deep clean that will leave you with a clean and fresh-smelling fridge.

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