Tag: fridge

ফ্রিজে দীর্ঘদিন খাবার সংরক্ষন করার উপায়

খাবার সংরক্ষণের জন্য ফ্রিজের ব্যবহার হয়ে থাকে । সাধারণত: কাঁচা মাছ, মাংস, ডিপ ফ্রিজে ও ফলমূল ও শাকসবজি দীর্ঘদিন ফ্রেশ…

Best Refrigerator services by Sheba.xyz

Prolong the Lifespan of Your Refrigerator for 5 Years!

An average household in Dhaka owns at least one refrigerator per family, making it one of the most frequently purchased home appliances in Bangladesh. Considering the heat and humidity of our country, all of us are completely dependent on refrigerators to keep our food fresh and hygienic. Unfortunately, these essential appliances tend to wear out easily and we end up spending thousands every year trying to fix them. Some of the most common issues are: